
Designing trees in mongodb using mongodm

08 Oct 2010

why mongodm?

mongodm is a small API on top of pymongo that allowed to create user defined mongodb object documents.

All collection’s queries are still made using pymongo, mongodm just provide an nice way to create data structures and validation schemas.

The first reason that bring me away from the great mongoengine is that’s there’s no way to easily manage recursive trees.

Here are two tree pattern implementation using this small library.

Full Tree in Single Document

code sample:

from mongodm.connection import Connection
from mongodm.fields import StringField, ListField
from mongodm.document import Document, EmbeddedDocument

connection = Connection('localhost', 27017)
db = connection['test-database']

class TreeNode(EmbeddedDocument):
    label = StringField()
    children = ListField('TreeNode')

class Tree(Document):
    __collection__ = 'trees'
    __db__ = db
    label = StringField()
    children = ListField('TreeNode')

tree = Tree()
tree.label = 'root'

first_child = TreeNode()
first_child.label = 'node 1'

second_child = TreeNode()
second_child.label = 'node 1.1'

third_child = TreeNode()
third_child.label = 'node 1.2'


mongodb data:

> db.trees.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4caebee27478f70e7d000000"), "children" : [
                "children" : [
                                "children" : [ ],
                                "label" : "node 1.1"
                                "children" : [ ],
                                "label" : "node 1.2"
                "label" : "node 1"
], "label" : "root" }

Materialized paths pattern

code sample:

from mongodm.connection import Connection
from mongodm.fields import StringField, ReferenceField
from mongodm.ext.tree import TreeDocument

connection = Connection('localhost', 27017)
db = connection['test-database']

class TreeNode(TreeDocument):
    __collection__ = 'nodes'
    __db__ = db
    label = StringField()
    parent = ReferenceField('TreeNode')

TreeNode.collection().ensure_index('path') #don't forget to create index on path field

root_node = TreeNode()
root_node.label = 'root'

first_child = TreeNode()
first_child.label = 'node 1'
first_child.parent = root_node

second_child = TreeNode()
second_child.label = 'node 1.1'
second_child.parent = first_child

third_child = TreeNode()
third_child.label = 'node 1.2'
third_child.parent = first_child

mongodb data:

> db.nodes.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4caeba3b7478f70cb9000000"), "parent" : null, "level" : 0, "label" : "root", "priority" : 0, "path" : "" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4caeba3b7478f70cb9000001"), "parent" : { "$ref" : "nodes", "$id" : ObjectId("4caeba3b7478f70cb9000000") }, "level" : 1, "label" : "node 1", "priority" : 0, "path" : "4caeba3b7478f70cb9000000," }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4caeba3b7478f70cb9000002"), "parent" : { "$ref" : "nodes", "$id" : ObjectId("4caeba3b7478f70cb9000001") }, "level" : 2, "label" : "node 1.1", "priority" : 0, "path" : "4caeba3b7478f70cb9000000,4caeba3b7478f70cb9000001," }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4caeba3b7478f70cb9000003"), "parent" : { "$ref" : "nodes", "$id" : ObjectId("4caeba3b7478f70cb9000001") }, "level" : 2, "label" : "node 1.2", "priority" : 0, "path" : "4caeba3b7478f70cb9000000,4caeba3b7478f70cb9000001," }

you can easily get back children using TreeDocument.children property.

I’m working on mongodm on my time off for a personnal project (this is one of my first python developments), so feel free to give me your feed back.